Non-Verbal Assessment
What is a Non-Verbal Assessment?
A Non-Verbal assessment is a comprehensive look at you or your child’s intellectual functioning and academic learning using Non-Verbal testing. This is specialized testing that removes the verbal barrier for someone who is non-verbal or has limited verbal skills, which allows us to see their full range of skills and true capabilities without interference. It allows for both non-verbal instructions and non-verbal responses. This test is beneficial for those who are cognitively delayed, have hearing impairments, speech impairments, non-English speaking, or those on the Autism Spectrum.
This assesses cognitive skills like visual-spatial skills, problem-solving skills, pattern detection and sequencing. A test of receptive vocabulary understanding, and current academic skills is also completed. Additionally, it may include rating scales around daily living skills. We compare scores against other same-aged peers to understand their personal strengths and areas of need, so we can set them up for success at school and/or their day-to-day functioning.
The following steps are completed:
Gather information about the referral concerns, development, medical & learning history (Choose an intake meeting in-person OR online)
Review of school documents, relevant school work, and any previous assessments from other professionals
1:1 testing using standardized measures
Optional: a teacher interview may also be completed; send out rating scales to home & family if needed
Write a comprehensive report providing tailored strategies of support
Complete a feedback meeting to discuss the results; children do not need to attend this meeting (Choose a feedback meeting in-person OR online)
At the end of the assessment, you will leave with a detailed understanding of your child’s/ your own learning and a step by step guide of recommendations, given in order of priority to implement.
Fees & Assessment Process
Non-Verbal Assessment: $3200
The following is included with a comprehensive non-verbal assessment:
Step 1: One hour intake session with parents / guardians (children do not need to attend this meeting)
Step 2: Cognitive testing session with your child *
Step 3: Academic testing session with your child *
Step 4: Additional testing session as needed *
Step 5: Optional - Interviews with school or community members who work closely with the client.
Depending on results, rating scales may also be completed by home (and school, with permission)
Step 6: One hour debrief session for the family to go over the results
*shorter & more frequent testing sessions are often beneficial for populations who use this test.
~1 hour/ session is suggested, but can be adjusted based on individual need and sustained attention